Saturday, July 25, 2009

pick up day

when i got picked up today we went to the OKC zoo to celebrate my littlest sisters b-day. it was so hot i thought i would melt. most of the animals were in there dens so it wasn't as fun. the sea lion show was so boring and in the wet zone you didn't even get wet. i was so suprised when i rode my horse that he behaved so well since i hadent riden him in almost a month he didnt even get stubborn. i miss imc already. my little brother is climbing on the dishwasher all the time now. and my littlest sister missed me so much while i was gone. hopefully you guys will blog soon.
silver liner-orange team


  1. Hey sounded like you had fun lol anyways hey! :)

    sarah-blue team

  2. Hows your head, sorry for falling on it lol?

    sarah-blue team

  3. I almost got knocked over with 2 siblings jumping on me the second I got into the door. At lest you know your loved.

