Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hey ppl, C your poem was pretty cool, still don't really like them though. I've been meaning to come to the library for some time but I haven't had a chance. Anyway I can't blog much right now i'll try again tomorrow.


Monday, October 26, 2009


today after school i had my NJHS induction ceremony and i had a speaking part. my reading teacher/NJHS adult leader volunteered me. i was so nervous but i did great and gained confidence with every word i said.surprisingly!!!!! i swear i now will never wear heals again for 4 reasons

1. my feet hurt

2. i almost fell off the bleacher things when we finished taking group pictures
3. i couldn't walk in them
4. i almost broke my ankle walking with them on

i had fun but my three year old sister dumped her cake on me (so much fun)

what do you tink of these pictures that i took after an ice storm.


this is a tree
orange team