Saturday, January 23, 2010

Funny picture

That's a really really really old photo of our family. From like 2002 or 3. I am on the far left. And Lyd is on the right at the very bottom. In order L-R Valerie-Naomi-Kim-Jeff-Helen-Allen-Lydia-and Emily. I was trying to find a picture of me but I can't find one. Oh well.


Oh my word!!!!!!!!! I'm so totally excited. Gege told me to check out the camp website and I did and I found the dates for this years camp. July 18-24. And the apps and everything. I really hope Lyd and I can go this year. There's just one problem. I'm gonna be fifteen, and you have to be 12-14. But last year there were some fifteen year olds there so mabey I can get away with it. But anyway I asked mom if we can apply and she said yes. So we'll have Beth (teen librarian) recomend us. She did that last year. All the sudden I have a bunch of exciting prospects popping up everywhere. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Life's looking up-it's about time too.

Well like the title said life's looking up-finally. The exciting news. I might get to go spend a few days with my friend from Holdenville-possible. And this summer i'm probally going to Missouri. I'm gonna fly myself up there with my money from christmas from 2 years ago. Of course I have to save my money for it. And my Birthday is coming up too. I'm gonna be 15---yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway so. I can't decide if i'm gonna like this Monday or not. It all depends. Cause with Jordan now on our team Character First is not my time with Katie anymore. It's My time with Katie with Jordan. Oh well. I have to do a bunch of online research tomorrow while i'm here. Mom's working and i'm coming for computer time. So I have a million reports to do on Oklahoma and i'm not looking foward to it. Anyway just looking up plane tickets and their about 184$ Right now I only have 100$ from my grandparents from x-mas in 2007. So if I save about 15 a month i'll have enough for it by about June. So that's whats up in my world. I'll probally blog on Sunday. Oh another thing on Sunday the family that I stay with is having another family over for lunch. And i'm friends with a girl in that family. So thats exciting. For me anyway.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


sorry i haven't been on for a while i have been cramming tons of homework and studying for tests lately. my history teacher is giving us a bunch of notes to copy .he has given out 16 assignments since January the 4Th and each assignment is about 1page front and reading and English teachers are getting us ready for the 8Th grade reading my house it has been so hectic that i can barely sit down. when i get out of school i go to the library and help out there and when i am picked up i go home help fix dinner then eat then i do my homework and studying.after i am finished with that i shower and clean up my room then finally i get to bed at about 10:30 to 11:30and get up to get ready for school at 5:00 a.m. and leave at 6:00 a.m. and school starts and the pattern just repeats its self.In science class we are doing a lab and i got stuck with the new girl and she just wants to sit back and watch so i end up doing most of the work and her taking the credit. Tomorrow i have a huge history test that i need to study for. what do you think of these pictures at the top of the page. i will try to blog again soon.
orange team

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life's worth living..even with all the bad things---part 2

Well our MD training yesterday went pretty good overall. In YOUGROW we have a new girl. Her name is Hope and since we have 2 Hope's in our small group we nick named her Hip-Hop-pretty cool! 2 really lovely thinks happened yesterday-or not. The first thing was a girl who does MD in now doing C1st and Bible Club. She used to just do Bible Club. And she got added onto our team. I can not stand her. It really bugs me the way she conducts herself. She is a major flirt-like major major flirt. And so on. I could live with her in my YOUGROW group and for Bible Club. But now she's in my C1st team. The second thing was they pulled a suprise monalauge evulation on me yesterday. Tara (NOVO team member came and got me) we were walking somewhere and she said "Ok were going to do a monaluge evulation" She handed me the bible and I sat down. I was staring at the bible and I randomly said "is it your custom to just randomly pull people and tell them their doing an evulation? She was like "did you not know about this" Well no of course not. It was like I was soposto know and I didn't. So she let me sit out and practice while she did another girl. After I was done freaking out I went over to Taylor and Na who were sitting at a table and told them what was up. So Taylor helped me go through it. And then Na did. That took about 30 minuets. So I go in there and did the evulation. And guess what? I failed miserably. It was awful. Tara and I didn't even know why my name was on the list. Cause I took both evulations and passed both of them. But I told her by the sound of the last one I just did it looks like i'll have to take it again.

So those 2 things really bugged me. I'll have to be working on my evulations probally and not punching some stupid girls brains out. So pray for me. I'm praying for a good attitude about the whole thing.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life's worth living...even with all the bad stuff...

Well my life may be all fun and happy-or seem that way, but it's really not. At least sometimes. I found out Sunday that one of Helen's friends dad died from a heart attack that morning. He was only 41. It is really sad cause her friend was the only one there when he died. He tried to do CPR but it didn't work. He didn't have a very good relationship with his dad either. The funeral was on Wendenday. His stepmom refused to do anything for his dad so he and his Uncle's had to do it all. He sang a song at the end of it. Before he got up to sing it he was crying. He made it through his song and picked up his guitar and walked off the stage. He was about 2 steps from his chair when he dropped his guitar, fell into his chair and started sobbing. I have never seen anybody cry so hard. It was really sad. Aunt Robin went home from the hospital and is doing better. And my other friend that had her appendix burst is doing a little better. She got to go home from the hopsital on Thursday. I need to call and check up on her. Well tomorrow is our MD training again. Then next week we get to go back into the schools. I get to see MLG-I am so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!. I miss her a bunch. Well I have to go. Glad you blogged C! You haven't in a while I was getting worried about you.
