Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well hope you all get over the lice C, that's not fun. We've gotten it a couple of times and it was terible. Well yesterday was one of the best days of my life because...We started Character First in our school and it was so much more fun that I thought it would be. Katie's and my first class was a Pre-K, that was fun. Second was a 2nd grade, and our third class was 1st grade. Katie and I ate lunch with the Pre-K kids (there so cute) and did recess with Pre-K, 1st, and 2nd grades. Then we did recess with 3rd, 4th, and 5th, grades, that was fun. It was really windy and the girls were wearing skirts so it was really hard to run around and play with the kids, cause of the wind. As soon as I got into the playground some kid ran up and gave me a hug. Instantly Katie and I were covered in kids everywhere. So I played with them for an hour, or so. Pre-K kids it was tag, and duck duck goose. And the older kids was football, and hand games. Then on our way back in to prepare for our next class we say a boy from our bible club group. He had a cast on his foot, so I asked him what happened and Nathan (who was talking to him) said "He got hungry and so he tried to eat his foot" The boy stared at Nathan for a minuet and started laughing. I never figured out what really happened. But afterward we did bible club, and after that we had YOUGROW. were working on the Truth Project right now. Then we and a bunch of other people went to Long John Silvers and ate supper. A friend and I were talking and I wanted somehting sweet so I bought a root beer float, and asked them to split it for us. So I gave Taylor half and I got half. Then they split it the gave us a full cup each (how cool it that?) so we had to show it off to everybody and make them jelous. We didn't get home till 11:00 cause after that we had to go to a friends house and get Helen's cell phone charger, and we got lost on the way home. So i'm working today and i'm super tired, but can't wait till next week.

Love, ya'll


1 comment:

  1. that sounds like fun LaRie. by the way i was the only one to excape head lice.
    orange team
