Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am going to scream....really...if you don't believe me keep reading

So you've been reading about my life's ups and downs. And it just got worse. MD was pretty good, that's nice for a change. And everything. Well Tuesday morning about 5am. Helen and I woke up to dad screaming. He was going to go to work and was walking down the stairs and he slipped. He grabbed the rail with his right arm (he just had surgery on it) and fell on his left arm. So he really jerked his right arm. So he was screaming cause it hurt so bad. And then he was crying. If dad cries it has to really badly hurt, he can take a lot of pain. He cried for about an hour. And didn't go to work that day. He did nothing all day but watch movies. He hates watching movies (something was really wrong with him yesterday) He went to work today (not that he wanted too) (like who would) And everything.
Now we have our phone company charging us extra for some weird reason. So tomorrow mom's gonna cut off our long distance phone calls. Which means I can't call anybody. And then on Monday night I had a big emotional breakdown. I think it was from all the stuff since new year has been kinda been pileing up, and the dam finally burst. I coulden't cry for like 3 weeks. I've tried to make my self cry but i'd only get teary eyed and then stop. So it felt really good to cry, for a while anyway. So I feel miserable. Well sorta. I want to go somewhere and do something. So bad. I might get to go to Holdenville sometime in Febuary-mabey. But I want to go somewhere now.
Ha, that kinda looks like a journal entry. Oh well-even if it looks and sounds like a journal entry i'm defintaly not gonna write some things i'd put in my journal. Just for the record. Well i'll blog sometime later.


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