Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it's BREAK!!!

Oh My Gosh!!! I am sooooo HAPPY! I am on holiday break! The last two days of school we had finals. Ugh. Tell Lyd "Happy BirthDay!" That's so funny about the dance LaRie. You won't believe what I did once. OK you probably will, I learned the ENTIRE "single ladies" dance by Beyonce off of YouTube last year. But here is the funny part. I learned it BACKWARDS!!!
LOL! So I showed off to all my friends at dance and they all laughed at me. It was pretty hilarious! Like when the dancers turned right I turned left. LaRie, your life sounds so much more interesting then mine. I have gone over to the same friends house 15 weekends in a row. I really need a life. You what i really want to do right now? Play tennis. But all the kids in my neighborhood who would play with me aren't here. *sob* Last night my dad and I went to the OU college basketball tournament. OU played UTEP (University of Texas at El Paso) OU lost horribly. I might start taking belly dancing lessons. Just for fun at the community center. They have a troup that performs at the medieval fair. I have been listening to alot of KJ103. Its a pop radio station. I have been thinking of making up a dance to "Tik Tok." Hannukah is already over. I got some really neat stuff. I am going to redo my room. I got a new comforter on sale at JCPenny's the other day so i am going to paint my room like that. WOW! All this typing is making my carpals hurt.(wrists) I am so proud I know all 206 bones in the human body. I really want to give my sister a make over. But will she let me? NO! She can be so frustrating some times. Of course I still love her though. I need more friends. Or more of a social life. Whichever works for me. I wonder where everyone else from camp is? I've seen Brady at WalMart once. Besides that I've only seen LaRie and Lydia. What was Lydie's nickname? I am planing to have a Holiday party over break. We are going to play dirty Santa and have a sleepover. Does anyone have any party ideas? I very much wish my school had a pom squad. We have a cheer team but no pom squad. I might talk to the administrative people about that. I think I have a way of making it cheaper than a cheer sqaud. My house is in a neighborhood right by the road. You can always hear the street sounds. It sounds like a cop just gave someone a ticket. The police are all over the road right there. It changes speed limits kinda quickly, so police hang around that spot in case some one didn't slow down. My dad says he likes hearing the road because he can hear the trains on the train tracks. I have to be practicing my chess playing skills if I ever want to beat my Grandfather at it. He is so good. I beat a couple of my friends last week. It was pretty interesting. I have to go so I'll blog again later.

^_^ GeGe ^_^ BlueTeam

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