Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i have about 7 minuits to be on because i have to leave when my mom gets to the library and she is about 7 minuits away. happy birthday LaRie hope it was fun. yemer?sounds like you had fun at drama camp. i have had so many tests in every class i am up until 10:30 trying to cram studing in with all the required homework that is due imediately.i have had a test in almost every class this week and parent teacher confrences is on friday.i won honorable mention or something in the delta cappa gama essay contest so i have to read my essay tonight. i have a really hard time reading in front of crowds or even being up infront of a crowd doing nothing for that matter.when any of my teachers even call on me in class i freeze up and forget what i was going to say or i talk so quiet that the person next to me cant hardly hear me let alown try to understand me.got to go
orange team

1 comment:

  1. I would get so nervous when doing something like reading what I wrote in front of a bunch of people. I would die. And would probaly freeze up too. But it's awsome that they chose your essay to be read. Think of the bright side.

