Saturday, October 24, 2009

never mind

never mind i just found out that we got internet at my house.i can get on the blog on the weekend if i get permision form my parents.



orange team


Friday, October 23, 2009


for once and a life time i dont have homework this weekkend.well i do but it is optional if i do it over the weekend of next week. i am oficially my history teachers pet.he gave me next weeks assignment sheet to do if i wanted to and soo i took it so i dont have as much home work next week.i am also doing next weeks agebra 1 math this weekend so i can be ahead.i am finally free of home work. LaRie why dont you like poetry very much????? i have started writing a story and i am on page 4 mabey next week i will post a preview/couple sentences to a couple paragraphs.TELL me what you think of this poem even if poetry isnt you favorite.

Freedom is like the wind
Free to do what ever you please
Freedom will free you from your prision cell
No matter where you are freedom will find you
It is like the ocean creshing and playing
You feel like playing with the wind
Freedom is the time where you forget the world
It is the time to have fun and be your self
It is when you can soar over mountains and oceans
Sometimes freedom takes a while to find you
Freedom is a state of mind
Freedom never dies down

BY Silver-Liner aka C aka Celosia

i wont be able to post again until monday or the way GeGe how do you get images off the web???
orange team

Thursday, October 22, 2009

heading off to

Going to bed, now it's like 11:30, WOW.


By the way the YMER post was by me, not GeGe.






I don't live at home least for right now. (wow long title Val)

Well at the moment I don't live at home, or at least for this week. Sunday, and Monday I was at another friends house, Monday was Mission Day. I was home Monday, Tuestday, and Wednesday. Tonight i'm at a friends house. Tomorrow i'll be at a YOUGROW girls sleepover (fun, fun, fun) and then I am spending Saturday, and Sunday night at another friends house. And going to MD. Really i'm kinda tired of poems. I have something it's kinda funny, it just rhyms though. I'll write it next time I blog. I'm watching "The Phantom of the Opera" never seen it before. So your school sounds so boring, seriously it's really slow. I'd hate to learn at you guys snail pace, boring. Anyway gtg and watch my movie.

Ta, ta


Not much...

I like the poem. I dont have much new. I'll post tomorrow.

GeGe Blue Team


phooy rain again

today my library had a game day and i got the part of playing part hostess and part school i had to stay after school because i forgot to do one of my history teachers assignments that was due today.that made me late to get here and so i couldn't blog then.i got here and had to start playing hostess right when i got here.its raining so much here that where i live we will have to go the back way into poteau because the bridge will be flooded.what do you think of this poem.

See the clouds crying
Hear the water droplets hit the ground
It sounds like someone tapping their fingers on the window
Listen to the pitter-patter pitter-patter that's the rain
The rain waters the crops and fields
Sometimes rain falls right on time to wash away your tears
Sometimes rain washes away painful memories
Hear the hollow sound of the rain hitting the leaves
Remember the deaths of the world
Remember your past as the rain pounds the pavement
Watch the storm blow by outside

BY Silver-Liner aka C aka Celosia

orange team

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I've read most of the Brian Jaque books. They're ok. It's raining alot. I'm writting a screenplay for this book called A Crooked kind of Perfect. It should be fun. I had academic team practice today. We just researched the entire time. My reading teacher(he's co-sponsor for the team) told me to "keep it real" it was really embarrasing!!! He did it on purpose too. He is always squatting in his chair. Like this TV character I know. (I'm doing the same thing right now) It hurts my legs. I'm so jittery today. I think I will work on my dance solo later tonight. Are any of you in a program called: Model UN? I wrote another poem called Flowers. Yours was really good C. Tell me how you like this one:


Sweet Smelling
fragrance. Bees buzzing
by your softly made petals.
G i v i n g ,M a k i n g, T a k i n g.
Pastel leaves making bouquets.
Given to loved ones.
Sweet Smelling
Heart Repairing

-GeGe Rose

So what do you think??? Leave me comments. I went to the library after school. I have never seen it with so many kids I know before. Well I gotta jet. TTFN

GeGe BlueTeam



today when i went to the library my sisters friend came with us and it was like twin hurricanes running wild. the were "whispering" and arguing and laughing and running around.they still wont stop talking and they are across the library and i can hear them talking about who knows what right now. they refuse to leave me alone and are standing over my shoulder. they were reading disturbing books out loud.have any of you read the Brian Jacques (that is the author)books. right now i am wishing i didn't know my sister and her friend.they are's the word annoying and weird to put it nicely. school was fun we ran out of popcorn balls by 11:35 am and we started selling them at 8:10 am.
orange team

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

messy but fun time

today at school for NJHS aka national junior honor society we made carmel popcorn teachers were pritty nice to us today hardly any home work if you dont count all my history homework.which is 3 pages of IDs soo much fun to do.i would rather eat dirt than do homework tonight.last night my family whent to a bon fire, and i took my homework with me. now all my papers and books smell like smoke.that would explaine the whifs of smoke i got during school. also i got mu foot ran over by a cross between a 4-wheeler and a golf cart. nobody belived i was hurtt until i screamed and it took them 2minuites toget my foot out.hey tell me what you think about this poem.

A Perfect Twilight

Feel the world cooling
Watch the colors blend pink orange purple
The end of a new day
The cooling wind tells you it will be back
Watch the sun set over the mountains
Follow the wind it will take you over the sea
Over the sea you see the dolphins telling you goodnight
The sea falls asleep as you fly over it
The wind tells you that beauty is everywhere
Watch the beauty of twilight
The perfect end of a day
Hear the wind go to sleep
The world tells you of its day as you sleep
You feel free like the wind

By Silver-Liner aka C aka Celosia

orange team

waz up


By the way we're all HIDI freaks (H1N1) it's fun, like hand cleaner is our new best friend (or that's how Brandon put it)


Well hope you all get over the lice C, that's not fun. We've gotten it a couple of times and it was terible. Well yesterday was one of the best days of my life because...We started Character First in our school and it was so much more fun that I thought it would be. Katie's and my first class was a Pre-K, that was fun. Second was a 2nd grade, and our third class was 1st grade. Katie and I ate lunch with the Pre-K kids (there so cute) and did recess with Pre-K, 1st, and 2nd grades. Then we did recess with 3rd, 4th, and 5th, grades, that was fun. It was really windy and the girls were wearing skirts so it was really hard to run around and play with the kids, cause of the wind. As soon as I got into the playground some kid ran up and gave me a hug. Instantly Katie and I were covered in kids everywhere. So I played with them for an hour, or so. Pre-K kids it was tag, and duck duck goose. And the older kids was football, and hand games. Then on our way back in to prepare for our next class we say a boy from our bible club group. He had a cast on his foot, so I asked him what happened and Nathan (who was talking to him) said "He got hungry and so he tried to eat his foot" The boy stared at Nathan for a minuet and started laughing. I never figured out what really happened. But afterward we did bible club, and after that we had YOUGROW. were working on the Truth Project right now. Then we and a bunch of other people went to Long John Silvers and ate supper. A friend and I were talking and I wanted somehting sweet so I bought a root beer float, and asked them to split it for us. So I gave Taylor half and I got half. Then they split it the gave us a full cup each (how cool it that?) so we had to show it off to everybody and make them jelous. We didn't get home till 11:00 cause after that we had to go to a friends house and get Helen's cell phone charger, and we got lost on the way home. So i'm working today and i'm super tired, but can't wait till next week.

Love, ya'll


Monday, October 19, 2009

School,Life,Work,Shoes, and Cake...

Hey everyone,
What's up? I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't bloged in a while. Wow C 8th grade sounds harsh. I'm a sevie. Thank Goodness! But next year I will have to endure the tortures my over eager teachers can come up with. Are either of you in any clubs? I'm in: Drama Club, Acedemic Team, and hopefully Model UN. I also take dance, play flag football, and I am the mascott for my school. Go CUBS! I want to be in writing club but that will take too much time. I also write poetry. Wow C your poem was AMAZING!!! Take a look at one I wrote, k?


Where is my past,
My present,
My future.
With you,
I leave my love,
My soul.
Yet somehow,
It’s still here.
As are you…
Yet somehow,
It’s still distance.
As are you…
Yet love remains.
The happiness of sadness.

-By GeGe

I wrote this write after my grandmother died. What do you guys think of it? Leave my comments please. I had a choir concert today. I did a duet with my friend. We had the loudest applause of the night. I was so nervous!!! I also got a peice of lemon cake after the performance from a bake sale. My dad is yelling at me to not leave my shoes by the doorway. I try to remember, I just seem to forget. Today my teacher made a kid rap the first verse to a song called "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas. I was cracking up so much. I could hardly breathe. Well i should be getting off now. I have to go to sleep. I have school in the morning.


Blue Team



Today my mom figured out that my sisters have head lice. some how i managed to escape the wrath of head lice when every one else in my family has it and i share a room with one of them. i am so glad because i would have had to make up so much work my hand would be dead within 2 hours into the way the only time i get to blog is when i go to the library too. school is harsh in 8th grade.
orange team