today at school for NJHS aka national junior honor society we made carmel popcorn teachers were pritty nice to us today hardly any home work if you dont count all my history homework.which is 3 pages of IDs soo much fun to do.i would rather eat dirt than do homework tonight.last night my family whent to a bon fire, and i took my homework with me. now all my papers and books smell like smoke.that would explaine the whifs of smoke i got during school. also i got mu foot ran over by a cross between a 4-wheeler and a golf cart. nobody belived i was hurtt until i screamed and it took them 2minuites toget my foot out.hey tell me what you think about this poem.

A Perfect Twilight
Feel the world cooling
Watch the colors blend pink orange purple
The end of a new day
The cooling wind tells you it will be back
Watch the sun set over the mountains
Follow the wind it will take you over the sea
Over the sea you see the dolphins telling you goodnight
The sea falls asleep as you fly over it
The wind tells you that beauty is everywhere
Watch the beauty of twilight
The perfect end of a day
Hear the wind go to sleep
The world tells you of its day as you sleep
You feel free like the wind
By Silver-Liner aka C aka Celosia
orange team