Well I found out that I am going to camp this year. I am so excited. Sharon: Thank's for all the letters in the mail. Lyd and I are so excited every time we get one that has information about camp. I can't wait. I'ts only like a week and a half untill we start, yayhoo. Anyway i've got to go but i'll see you'all later.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Well i'm blogging finally. I haven't been to the library and had time to blog lately. Gege i'm really sad that you are not going to camp :-( i'm gonna miss you. Well Mission Day ended in May and i'm really lonely now. I miss all my kids, I miss my Mondays and so on and so forth. Tonight were soposto be having company (I think i'm gonna make biscuits-yum) I'm going to camp this month and then i'm doing mission week with my church. It's like a mission trip but in OKC. But I really can't think of much eles to write, soooooooooooo.....I guess i'll go.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Bad News
Hey guys,
SO I have some bad news. I can't go to camp. *sad face* I know it stinks. But we can still carry on a blog. We just got to figure out how we are going to do it. I am so tired. I pulled an all nighter last night with my friend. Then a little bit earlier I took a three and a half hour nap. YAY FOR GeGe!!! I am going to Pennslyvania for the 4th of July. It is going to be so much fun!!!! I will visit some old friends. But Oh My Goodness! My dad scared us all a few days ago!He had a heatstroke and had to go to the ER. It was so scary. But he is fine now. I am going to start writing a book, I hope i will be good. I just got inspiration from listening to my Zune. (Microsft's version of an Ipod) WEll I can't think of anything else to write so I am going to go now. OK. I will write later. :)
Love and Roses,
GeGe BlueTeam
SO I have some bad news. I can't go to camp. *sad face* I know it stinks. But we can still carry on a blog. We just got to figure out how we are going to do it. I am so tired. I pulled an all nighter last night with my friend. Then a little bit earlier I took a three and a half hour nap. YAY FOR GeGe!!! I am going to Pennslyvania for the 4th of July. It is going to be so much fun!!!! I will visit some old friends. But Oh My Goodness! My dad scared us all a few days ago!He had a heatstroke and had to go to the ER. It was so scary. But he is fine now. I am going to start writing a book, I hope i will be good. I just got inspiration from listening to my Zune. (Microsft's version of an Ipod) WEll I can't think of anything else to write so I am going to go now. OK. I will write later. :)
Love and Roses,
GeGe BlueTeam
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Well here I am, finally. I now have time to blog. My life has gotten so, so, so busy these last few weeks. First AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......Tornado. We had on right over our house. We are extremely lucky to still have a house, considering. We had about 12,000 dollars worth of damage to our property, mostly trees. We did have a lot of roof damage and we had to get a new one. On Friday our family had a work project at our house. We had about 60 people from our church volunteer to help us clean up or our property. So we did that, it was a lot of fun. They just finished doing the final touches on our roof this morning. Thank's to all the people's help on Friday our roof crew was able to finish it that night instead of on Sat. But this morning they came back to double check and fix something. Then we had our Arkansas trip. That was a ton of fun. We were up there for three days. We spent 2 nights in a church, and 1 in hotel, and then 2 nights at a resort in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. We had 6 salvations in Arkansas. One little girl named Kaitlyn in my group accepted Christ for the first time, it was so cool. The picture up top is of our Arkansas group. They are a very fun bunch of people. I got to live with them for a week, cool. But Brandon, says that once you live with these people for a while you can't wait to get away from them. But that's not true. We had so much fun. We floated the Illinois River ( I hope I spelled that right) for 12 miles. We had 23 people, and 5 rafts. Our raft was blue, and the last one. We had Nathan, Morgan, Rachel, Lauren, and I in our raft. Everybody else's rafts were red, so our's was special. We backpaddled a lot to stay behind everybody else's rafts, cause our's was soposto be in the back, at all times. So we did that, and I got a bad sunburn. Then we played countless games of volleyball, and I played every one. It was so fun. Now i'm home ann we did the work projects. I have a temperary job working at City Hall (so I can earn 150$ for IMC Camp) and i'm doing school like crazy. So i've been doing that and now it's time for me to go. So i'm going to go home and attempt to call Gege, and do school.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Things to do....places to go....people to see.....
Yay, Gege
I'm so excited that you can possible come. Lyd and Mom, and I were talking about the other 150$ that we need to get so we can go. Mom called Sharon this morning and asked her if their is a chance that I would be able to go. She said go ahead and send in my app. cause she didn't have very many yet so far. Well today the Friends of the Library had a meeting and mom asked them if they had any odd jobs Lyd or I could do so we could raise the rest of the money we need. One lady went across the hall to the the city manager and asked him if their was anything I could do for them. Well tomorrow their is a lady I am going to go in and help her, i'm gonna basicly do anything she needs done, from cleaning, typing, sorting, or whatever else she needs. I'm really excited about that. That in a way is not fair though cause I have to earn all the extra money that we need so we can both go. Lyd just has to stay home-and babysit, which isn't to bad. But you'd better pray that I get to go cause if I don't then Lyd wonl't get to go to camp.
I've been so busy lately. I recently went up to Tulsa with about 26 other people, mostly teenagers, and had a blast. We did a OCHEC Children's Confrence for about 100 kids. My assistant Grace and I both lost our voices for the confrence, so all we could do was whisper. It was really bad cause I was the leader for a small group and Grace was my assistant and we both lost our voices. Well we stayed in a huge mansion of a church (South Tulsa Baptist Church) it had a b-ball court and on Wed. night after the conference was over we went out to eat at Chili's, and stayed up till 12:00pm playing b-ball, and sliding across the gym floor on our backs, it was so fun. Well as soon as we got back fron Tulsa on Thursday we began set-up for OCHEC in OKC. That began on Friday morning and went all day. My voice was still really bad, but Grace's was doing a lot better. On Sat. the confrence continued, it was a very busy week. My team color and number was Red 2. I had 6 kid's the first day, and five the 2nd day. I had (siblings, the boys were adopted) Natalie-7, Stephen-8, Nathan-8, Qorban-7, Matthew-9. Natalie and Stephen are siblings, they had one other brother but I forgot his name. For OCHEC in Tulsa we had. Siblings, Rebecca-12, John-10, and Elizabeth-8. We also had Stelios (pronounced stel-e-oce) and his sister Vaceila (pronounced Va-ceilia) also Bailey-6, Mia-7, and sibligs Jack-9 and Patrick-7. So that was cool.
In about a week we are going to be leaving for Arkansas. Were doing another confrence up there. The trip was shortened 2 days due to the accident with Mr. Werner. BTW he's doing a lot better. He has woken up from him coma, and 2 days ago they had him sitting in a chair for about 45 minutes. They said he was awake for most of the time. Also his brain in processing things cause he was hear and obey commands such as "hold up two fingers, wiggle your toes, sign I LOVE YOU," and so on. That is really good.
So anyway he's getting better slowly and were headed off to Arkansas for yet another confrence.
And sometime this summer I want to go to Missouri and see my friend Hope. And when I get back i'm hopefully going to IMC. And then in August (hopefully-i'm hopeing and praying that it is not in the end of July) I am going to to Mission Week, with my church. So I have a very busy summer planned.
Well I have just been informed that it is time to go. So i'm going home to so school.
I'm so excited that you can possible come. Lyd and Mom, and I were talking about the other 150$ that we need to get so we can go. Mom called Sharon this morning and asked her if their is a chance that I would be able to go. She said go ahead and send in my app. cause she didn't have very many yet so far. Well today the Friends of the Library had a meeting and mom asked them if they had any odd jobs Lyd or I could do so we could raise the rest of the money we need. One lady went across the hall to the the city manager and asked him if their was anything I could do for them. Well tomorrow their is a lady I am going to go in and help her, i'm gonna basicly do anything she needs done, from cleaning, typing, sorting, or whatever else she needs. I'm really excited about that. That in a way is not fair though cause I have to earn all the extra money that we need so we can both go. Lyd just has to stay home-and babysit, which isn't to bad. But you'd better pray that I get to go cause if I don't then Lyd wonl't get to go to camp.
I've been so busy lately. I recently went up to Tulsa with about 26 other people, mostly teenagers, and had a blast. We did a OCHEC Children's Confrence for about 100 kids. My assistant Grace and I both lost our voices for the confrence, so all we could do was whisper. It was really bad cause I was the leader for a small group and Grace was my assistant and we both lost our voices. Well we stayed in a huge mansion of a church (South Tulsa Baptist Church) it had a b-ball court and on Wed. night after the conference was over we went out to eat at Chili's, and stayed up till 12:00pm playing b-ball, and sliding across the gym floor on our backs, it was so fun. Well as soon as we got back fron Tulsa on Thursday we began set-up for OCHEC in OKC. That began on Friday morning and went all day. My voice was still really bad, but Grace's was doing a lot better. On Sat. the confrence continued, it was a very busy week. My team color and number was Red 2. I had 6 kid's the first day, and five the 2nd day. I had (siblings, the boys were adopted) Natalie-7, Stephen-8, Nathan-8, Qorban-7, Matthew-9. Natalie and Stephen are siblings, they had one other brother but I forgot his name. For OCHEC in Tulsa we had. Siblings, Rebecca-12, John-10, and Elizabeth-8. We also had Stelios (pronounced stel-e-oce) and his sister Vaceila (pronounced Va-ceilia) also Bailey-6, Mia-7, and sibligs Jack-9 and Patrick-7. So that was cool.
In about a week we are going to be leaving for Arkansas. Were doing another confrence up there. The trip was shortened 2 days due to the accident with Mr. Werner. BTW he's doing a lot better. He has woken up from him coma, and 2 days ago they had him sitting in a chair for about 45 minutes. They said he was awake for most of the time. Also his brain in processing things cause he was hear and obey commands such as "hold up two fingers, wiggle your toes, sign I LOVE YOU," and so on. That is really good.
So anyway he's getting better slowly and were headed off to Arkansas for yet another confrence.
And sometime this summer I want to go to Missouri and see my friend Hope. And when I get back i'm hopefully going to IMC. And then in August (hopefully-i'm hopeing and praying that it is not in the end of July) I am going to to Mission Week, with my church. So I have a very busy summer planned.
Well I have just been informed that it is time to go. So i'm going home to so school.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hey :)
Hey everybody! It looks like miracles doooo Happen. I can go to IMC this year!!!!! YAY! Also on saturday night we had our school dance. It was so much FUN!!! I danced with everbody! Today we had our elections and guess who made 8th grade president? That's right. ME! I was soooo scared. I thought the other candidate was gonna win. i also got my ears pierced on Sunday. It didn't hurt at all! It was the 1st time I've ever had them pierced. Well there isn't much else to tell. GTG
:) GeGe BlueTeam :)
:) GeGe BlueTeam :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can I crawl into a hole and die? oh, wait mabey sleep for a few days instead?
Hey I have like one minute so here's whats up. A guy named Greg Werner and his 14 year-old son Justin were in a very bad car accident on Sat. Mr. Werner is in ICU and Justin got moved from ICU to a regular room yesterday. Here is a link to a blog you can go to.
Brandon and Rachael own it. Brandon is Mr. Werner's son.
Here's the the link
if you go there you'll learn more.
Brandon and Rachael own it. Brandon is Mr. Werner's son.
Here's the the link
if you go there you'll learn more.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
At the library( & arguing with my friend)
Hey, what's up. Aren't we just having some beautiful weather in our great state today?
HA! Well anyway i find it pleasant. We really need to figure out what we are going to do when camp starts again because I don't think we will be able to continue using this blog. So here is what i propse: We make our own blog with the same password, just a different name and we can all blog on it! We can even let some of our friends blog on it? So if you are wondering about the title of my post I am at the library and I am having an "arguement" on whether my friend is funny or not. Technically we are just texting back and forth but the point is still valid. So he is always saying really perverted jokes (keep in mind he is a guy) anyway he texted me something and I responded. Well what he responded back was with "EWWWW" I texted him that I WAS NOT meaning what he thought I meant. It was a "that's what she said moment." But most guys are like that right? At least the ones at my school. So he said his jokes were funny and I said they were perverted. He then said they were both. So I conceded that they could be both. But I also have a twisted sense of humor. He agreed.
So how was everyone's day? Is anyone going back to camp? I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could go. Make sure you guys say hi to all the second years for me!!!! Well I have to get going. My dad is almost here. I will TTYL. :)
GeGE BlueTeam
YEMR always!!!!!
HA! Well anyway i find it pleasant. We really need to figure out what we are going to do when camp starts again because I don't think we will be able to continue using this blog. So here is what i propse: We make our own blog with the same password, just a different name and we can all blog on it! We can even let some of our friends blog on it? So if you are wondering about the title of my post I am at the library and I am having an "arguement" on whether my friend is funny or not. Technically we are just texting back and forth but the point is still valid. So he is always saying really perverted jokes (keep in mind he is a guy) anyway he texted me something and I responded. Well what he responded back was with "EWWWW" I texted him that I WAS NOT meaning what he thought I meant. It was a "that's what she said moment." But most guys are like that right? At least the ones at my school. So he said his jokes were funny and I said they were perverted. He then said they were both. So I conceded that they could be both. But I also have a twisted sense of humor. He agreed.
So how was everyone's day? Is anyone going back to camp? I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could go. Make sure you guys say hi to all the second years for me!!!! Well I have to get going. My dad is almost here. I will TTYL. :)
GeGE BlueTeam
YEMR always!!!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What a beautiful day (not really) JK
Hey people,
sorry I haven't bloged in a while. Its been kinda crazy around here, like I just went over to try and help my OLDER sister with her 11th grade math!!!! (Not Fun) I am so tired. We drove down to San Antonio for the weekend and just got back last night at around 1:30 am. But whats great, (besides seeing a basketball game, baseball game, shopping at a HUMONGO outlet mall, and spending 7 hours at Sea World!) I also missed 2 days of school and have absoloutely NO home work!!!!!! And that my friend is cause for a major celebration. Unfortunately I also have some bad news, I won't be attending IMC this year. unless a miracle happens I won't go. *sobs uncontrolably* I will leave the link for their website C, so you can look at it though. But I went to a Youth and Government thing at the state capital and got my picture in the newspaper! Not as great as it sounds. My English teacher has it posted all over the blackboard with a big sign that says: LOOK WHO'S FAMOUS!!! Kinda embarrassing, oh well. Has anyone read the Clique series by Lisi Harrison? I watched the movie and thought it might be good? I'm all out of books to read so any suggestions? Well i have to go. I'll let ya know on the whole IMC predicament I'm in.
GeGe Blue Team
YEMR!!! :)
sorry I haven't bloged in a while. Its been kinda crazy around here, like I just went over to try and help my OLDER sister with her 11th grade math!!!! (Not Fun) I am so tired. We drove down to San Antonio for the weekend and just got back last night at around 1:30 am. But whats great, (besides seeing a basketball game, baseball game, shopping at a HUMONGO outlet mall, and spending 7 hours at Sea World!) I also missed 2 days of school and have absoloutely NO home work!!!!!! And that my friend is cause for a major celebration. Unfortunately I also have some bad news, I won't be attending IMC this year. unless a miracle happens I won't go. *sobs uncontrolably* I will leave the link for their website C, so you can look at it though. But I went to a Youth and Government thing at the state capital and got my picture in the newspaper! Not as great as it sounds. My English teacher has it posted all over the blackboard with a big sign that says: LOOK WHO'S FAMOUS!!! Kinda embarrassing, oh well. Has anyone read the Clique series by Lisi Harrison? I watched the movie and thought it might be good? I'm all out of books to read so any suggestions? Well i have to go. I'll let ya know on the whole IMC predicament I'm in.
GeGe Blue Team
YEMR!!! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hey hey hey hey....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't written in a while. Yesterday's MD was really fun. We did tutoring for the first
time in a long time. In second grade I tutored 3 or 4 little girls in math. Or more like they tutored me in it. Kindergarten I played with a little boy named Dylan, he's so cute. And in
first grade I did some more math. I got the idea today that mabey I can go the one of the
elementary school's out here and tutor some time. That would be cool. And BC was interesting.
All my kids who ever knew how to speak spanish were speaking it behind my back. It was
not funny. Mom said I need to learn one sentence in spanish and and tell that to them. I said
"something like -sit down and shut up" mom's like yeah something like that. Of course I
would not say that to my kids, but sometimes I feel like it. It was crazy. We had 16 kids. We
normally have 10 or 12 kids. And we had Martin, Matthew, Leonel, and Erik there too. Their
the 4 troublesome kids who love attention and will do anything to get it. Their like in this little
gang and they just love to gang up on me-can I die???? Not really. And on top of all that it was
the first day back from spring break so they were wild and crazy anyway. And during recess
in the morning they didn't have it in the field cause it was so muddy. So we had it in the parking
lot. And their was lots and lots of puddles, for the boys to jump in. And a lot of kids got pushed
over by accident and they got soaked. So we had a bunch of wet soaking kids (mostly
boys) YOUGROW was really good though. But we didn't have like any discussion time (or the girls didn't-the boys got dimsissed to their small groups early) so that kinda stank. But they
said that next week we'll have a lot of discussion time. And today I worked so that was cool,
and drank 4 cups of coffee. And i'll go home and do something (whatever that is) So I gotta
go. Tell me what's going on in you people's lives.
time in a long time. In second grade I tutored 3 or 4 little girls in math. Or more like they tutored me in it. Kindergarten I played with a little boy named Dylan, he's so cute. And in
first grade I did some more math. I got the idea today that mabey I can go the one of the
elementary school's out here and tutor some time. That would be cool. And BC was interesting.
All my kids who ever knew how to speak spanish were speaking it behind my back. It was
not funny. Mom said I need to learn one sentence in spanish and and tell that to them. I said
"something like -sit down and shut up" mom's like yeah something like that. Of course I
would not say that to my kids, but sometimes I feel like it. It was crazy. We had 16 kids. We
normally have 10 or 12 kids. And we had Martin, Matthew, Leonel, and Erik there too. Their
the 4 troublesome kids who love attention and will do anything to get it. Their like in this little
gang and they just love to gang up on me-can I die???? Not really. And on top of all that it was
the first day back from spring break so they were wild and crazy anyway. And during recess
in the morning they didn't have it in the field cause it was so muddy. So we had it in the parking
lot. And their was lots and lots of puddles, for the boys to jump in. And a lot of kids got pushed
over by accident and they got soaked. So we had a bunch of wet soaking kids (mostly
boys) YOUGROW was really good though. But we didn't have like any discussion time (or the girls didn't-the boys got dimsissed to their small groups early) so that kinda stank. But they
said that next week we'll have a lot of discussion time. And today I worked so that was cool,
and drank 4 cups of coffee. And i'll go home and do something (whatever that is) So I gotta
go. Tell me what's going on in you people's lives.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lucky, Lucky, Lucky.
Wow your lucky, I mean getting to babysit, what an opportunity. Well I guess i'm lucky too, cause that's all i've been doing to. I have 3 younger siblings after me. Yesterday I was babysitting them. Emma, and AJ were being really wild. AJ (That's a nickname by the way) kept running up behind Emma and grabbing her, he woulden't let to. Emma would nicely say, Please Stop. Well it progressed from there, to her yelling at him to stop and let go of her. So they were wild all day yesterday. Today has been going pretty good. I got up made breakfast (that was not fun) I started making muffins. They halfway int it I found out that we didn't have any butter (a major part of the muffins) So they tasted okay. C, your lucky cause you have the option of doing track. I wish I could to that. I love to run. If I could I would join a team. I wish it were possible for me to join the Tecumseh team but since i'm homeschooled I don't think that's possible. Well I'm working with mom today so I got to go. I'll try to blog later.
Luv ya lots,
P.S. I just found out why i'm using the word LUCKY so many times. It's Saint Patricks Day.
HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. I'm wearing green.
Luv ya lots,
P.S. I just found out why i'm using the word LUCKY so many times. It's Saint Patricks Day.
HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. I'm wearing green.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
finally able to breath :)
i did good on my 9weeks tests thank goodness. is there going to be another imc camp this summer? it sounds like you have been very busy and are having a good spring break. all my spring break i have to stay at home and babysit my sisters and brother ( great fun)jk .i hope that spring break willl pass fast for me but i dont want it to pass the fast at the same time because once i get back the next day i have a track meet and i have to do either the mile or two mile and i dont feel good so its hard for me to get up and run to keep in shape.got to go now i will try to blog again soon.
orange team
orange team
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hi C, I hope you do good on your test. Well I haven't been able to get online in about 4 weeks. That's why I haven't blogged in so long. My life has been so busy. MD has been going great. Well kinda. I'm not really happy with my Bible Club status right now. Our 3rd grade group has a bad reputation for being roudy and not listening. And I was not to happy with them on monday. It's mainly the boys, the girls are pretty good. I currently have 20 kids registered for BC but only about 10-12 come each time. Here they are, Desiree, Genesis, Fabiola, Jackelin, Jacob, Leilani, Leonel (pronounced---Lee-in-o) Liliana, Martin, Mason, Matthew, Patience, Ruben (He's so cute and he thinks girls are gross) Aaron, Mikayla, Anjelica, Juliana, Flor (she's a mexican girl who only speaks spanish) and their's like 2 more but sadly I forgot them. So there are all my kids. The kids at school think i'm 24, married, and have 60 kids. Their guesses are a little off but their still really funny. So that's been going really good. Lyd and I found out that the Friends of the Library are giving us 150$ for the IMC Camp. We have to earn another 150$ so we can go. At least we already have half of it. Gege might get to come out for a few days. Since she's on spring break. We were thinking of her comming out for one or 2 days. But I still have to talk to her later on today and see if she got an ok from her dad. I've been writing a ton of reports for school. Unlike the people who go to public school and have to write the reports as soon as they are given. I chose not to write any so now I have about 20 I have to write, fun, fun ,fun. I'm almost done though. And I had one other thing I was going to write but I forgot it. Oh yeah. This summer out church is planning some mission trips and conferences, and stuff. So I want to help out with them. I need to raise 800$ dollars so I can go. On place were planning to go is Arkansas, and Tulsa for a conference. So anyway i'll be working on that for a while. Oh and my knee has finally healed all the way so now I can jump on the trampoline again. I haven" been able to for about a year and a half. So it feals really good to do flips and stuff again. My goals for this year on the trampoline are to do a double front and back flip. That will be hard and take a lot of work and courage but I hope I can do it. Well I can't think of anything else to write so ill go.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
so busy
well my nine weeks test is finally here and i am studing like crazy so that i can pass them. track season has also started for me so i am sore every day because i run at least 2.5 miles a day and at the most 3.25 miles a day.have any of you two read the long version of moby dick or the white whale. to me it is a crime against books i never knew it would be so boring and i like reading which is scary. all it does is discribe the events and nothing exciting happens. normally it takes me a day to read a book but this book has taken me 3 weeks and im barly half way through it.got to g
orange team
orange team
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hey peoples!
So my friend totally bailed on me for the talent show. So im trying to find a song to dance to for the Talent Show. I really dont have much more news than that. I have a really big UN competiton tomorrow through Saturday. Wish me LUCK!!!
(By the way... YEMR means Yellowed Eyed Monkeys Rule!!!)
GeGe BlueTeam
So my friend totally bailed on me for the talent show. So im trying to find a song to dance to for the Talent Show. I really dont have much more news than that. I have a really big UN competiton tomorrow through Saturday. Wish me LUCK!!!
(By the way... YEMR means Yellowed Eyed Monkeys Rule!!!)
GeGe BlueTeam
Hey hey hey...oh wait....gotta go
So kinda busy right now but i'll give you a summary of what i've been up to.
For MD we did house visits. Only got to see one of my kids at that. We cleaned my school for
MD and had an exciting event happen. The fire alarm went off for 20 minutes it was so super loud you coulden't hear yourself or anybody else for that matter. We finally got it turned off though. Went to the orthodontist today and my teeth are killing me. Tomorrow night were going to church. And don't know that else. GTG
For MD we did house visits. Only got to see one of my kids at that. We cleaned my school for
MD and had an exciting event happen. The fire alarm went off for 20 minutes it was so super loud you coulden't hear yourself or anybody else for that matter. We finally got it turned off though. Went to the orthodontist today and my teeth are killing me. Tomorrow night were going to church. And don't know that else. GTG
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
So my life is busy busy busy busy busy busy and busy again. Get the point. I've been at the library all day. I worked 10-1 and i've been on the computer ever since. I have to go home and make supper and i'm not looking foward to it. Helen is going to pick us up after she gets off work at 4:00. It's 3:55 right now. So I don't have much time to blog right now. MD was kinda fun last week. And sad. They canceled all after school activities so Bible Club was canceled. But we got to be classroom helpers. I got to help in 1st grade. And this week has been okay so far. On saturday the Teen librarian is going to take Na, and I and Traci (Sat. is her BD) out to lunch wherever Traci wants to go. Fun.
Hey C you should apply for the IMC Camp 2010. Lyd and I are. I had this really weird dream last night were Gege got accepted and Lyd and I didn't. It woulden't be that bad but it would be a lot more fun with at least all three of us there. So anyway i've got to go cause Helen's about to pick us up.
Love ya'll
Hey C you should apply for the IMC Camp 2010. Lyd and I are. I had this really weird dream last night were Gege got accepted and Lyd and I didn't. It woulden't be that bad but it would be a lot more fun with at least all three of us there. So anyway i've got to go cause Helen's about to pick us up.
Love ya'll
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i have about 7 minuits to be on because i have to leave when my mom gets to the library and she is about 7 minuits away. happy birthday LaRie hope it was fun. yemer?sounds like you had fun at drama camp. i have had so many tests in every class i am up until 10:30 trying to cram studing in with all the required homework that is due imediately.i have had a test in almost every class this week and parent teacher confrences is on friday.i won honorable mention or something in the delta cappa gama essay contest so i have to read my essay tonight. i have a really hard time reading in front of crowds or even being up infront of a crowd doing nothing for that matter.when any of my teachers even call on me in class i freeze up and forget what i was going to say or i talk so quiet that the person next to me cant hardly hear me let alown try to understand me.got to go
orange team
orange team
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hey gurls(& guys)
You will not believe what I did today. So I went to a dram camp at Moore High and there they taught us all about different things well we were putting on makeup right(cause you have to do that on stage or you look washed out) AND I ASKED THE TEACHER THERE TO GIVE ME A BLACK EYE. Sorry about the caps lock. It looked soooo real. I also gave my cousin a "bruise" and her parents thought it was real and not just make up. how funny? then we made a movie wich i will have the link for sometime soon. I played a goth chick and it was sooo much FUN! It was all about us trying to find the lost peanut m&m's. Which a bird had stolen. Well I'll blog later so gtg.
:) GeGe :) BlueTeam
You will not believe what I did today. So I went to a dram camp at Moore High and there they taught us all about different things well we were putting on makeup right(cause you have to do that on stage or you look washed out) AND I ASKED THE TEACHER THERE TO GIVE ME A BLACK EYE. Sorry about the caps lock. It looked soooo real. I also gave my cousin a "bruise" and her parents thought it was real and not just make up. how funny? then we made a movie wich i will have the link for sometime soon. I played a goth chick and it was sooo much FUN! It was all about us trying to find the lost peanut m&m's. Which a bird had stolen. Well I'll blog later so gtg.
:) GeGe :) BlueTeam
Friday, February 5, 2010
Birthday Girl.......
So as you might of guessed by the title- its my BIRTHDAY today, I'm 15 now. Well I have exactly 5 minuets untill I have to go to work. Mom had to work today so i'm working with her. Na got me some long purple knee-high socks-----I love those things. Em and Helen both bought me some shirts-really cute ones- and I have yet to find out what else I got. Anyway so i'm 15 and it doesen't feel much different from 14. I was born at exactly 11:30 am on Feb 5 1995. When mom was pregnant with me she was really sick--like really sick for months. I almost killed her and myself in the process. I told her last night the reason i'm such an angel child is because I got all my bad stuff out before I was born. So I was born an angel. So anyway I was also like 5 pounds when I was born 2 weeks early. But i'm still here and alive so I guess I have to go to work now. I'll probally blog next on Sunday. I was really sad cause they canceled MD on Monday cause of the ice, they also canceled YOUGROW too, that was sad.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
ahh man
Monday, February 1, 2010
hey last Thursday i fell asleep on my trampoline and it started to snow and i didn't wake up for an hour after it started. i was in a hoodie, jeans, and tinnies. supprisingly i wasnt cold when i woke up. the entire weekend i was outside in jeans, a t-shirt, hoodie,and tinnies (i think thats how you spell it). i loved the snow it reminded me a little of my old house in caldwell,Idaho.
orange team
orange team
Was freezing cold......now....i think i'm warmer
Hey people, at 3:30 Friday morning our electricity went out. On Saturday morning it was so cold in our house we coulden't even get out of our covers. So we went to my friend Kali's house. And it's Monday and our electric is still not on yet. So we've been having fun over here. Just about an hour ago Kali, Na, Lyd, and I did blind makeovers on each other. And last night we watched the whole first season of Sonny With A Chance, it was so much fun. And it's only 5 more days untill my BD, gtg
I was freezing cold.....now....i know i'm warmer. (mom went back to our house yesterday and she said it was so cold you could see your breath inside)
I was freezing cold.....now....i know i'm warmer. (mom went back to our house yesterday and she said it was so cold you could see your breath inside)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I am going to scream....really...if you don't believe me keep reading
So you've been reading about my life's ups and downs. And it just got worse. MD was pretty good, that's nice for a change. And everything. Well Tuesday morning about 5am. Helen and I woke up to dad screaming. He was going to go to work and was walking down the stairs and he slipped. He grabbed the rail with his right arm (he just had surgery on it) and fell on his left arm. So he really jerked his right arm. So he was screaming cause it hurt so bad. And then he was crying. If dad cries it has to really badly hurt, he can take a lot of pain. He cried for about an hour. And didn't go to work that day. He did nothing all day but watch movies. He hates watching movies (something was really wrong with him yesterday) He went to work today (not that he wanted too) (like who would) And everything.
Now we have our phone company charging us extra for some weird reason. So tomorrow mom's gonna cut off our long distance phone calls. Which means I can't call anybody. And then on Monday night I had a big emotional breakdown. I think it was from all the stuff since new year has been kinda been pileing up, and the dam finally burst. I coulden't cry for like 3 weeks. I've tried to make my self cry but i'd only get teary eyed and then stop. So it felt really good to cry, for a while anyway. So I feel miserable. Well sorta. I want to go somewhere and do something. So bad. I might get to go to Holdenville sometime in Febuary-mabey. But I want to go somewhere now.
Ha, that kinda looks like a journal entry. Oh well-even if it looks and sounds like a journal entry i'm defintaly not gonna write some things i'd put in my journal. Just for the record. Well i'll blog sometime later.
Now we have our phone company charging us extra for some weird reason. So tomorrow mom's gonna cut off our long distance phone calls. Which means I can't call anybody. And then on Monday night I had a big emotional breakdown. I think it was from all the stuff since new year has been kinda been pileing up, and the dam finally burst. I coulden't cry for like 3 weeks. I've tried to make my self cry but i'd only get teary eyed and then stop. So it felt really good to cry, for a while anyway. So I feel miserable. Well sorta. I want to go somewhere and do something. So bad. I might get to go to Holdenville sometime in Febuary-mabey. But I want to go somewhere now.
Ha, that kinda looks like a journal entry. Oh well-even if it looks and sounds like a journal entry i'm defintaly not gonna write some things i'd put in my journal. Just for the record. Well i'll blog sometime later.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wow Val! That sounds scary. But you can't call me at the moment, my cell phone got wet and I am drying it out. I will let you know later when it works again. :) Well not much to talk about. Ill post later. bye. :)
GeGe BlueTeam
GeGe BlueTeam
Monday, January 25, 2010
Awwwwwwwwwww..I think i almost died!
I'm sorry GeGe. Would me calling you make it better? Judging by my blog posts my year has not been so good. Last night I was playing the Wii Fit-so much fun. Well i'm standing there looking ath the TV screen. All the sudden it gets really blury. My eyes started twitching and I coulden't see the screen. Then I felt really really dizy. I felt like I was going to fall over. I stumbled to the nearest chair and sat down. Then I felt like I was gonna throw up. Then I had this really strong craving for water. Molly got me some and after I drank some I kept sitting there for about minuets. Then I felt fine. I think it was from these things combined together. #1 Lack of sleep, #2 Lack of water and #3 Not eating some protien in the last few hours. I really don't know what happened. But it freaked me out. So now i'm watching it. And now to make matters worse. It;s Monday. So I have to go into the schools today. (i'm so excited about seeing MLG!!!) so I have to make it through today.
Be praying that something like that won't happen again. And I also have to work with Jordan today in Character First. So be praying for me there.
Luv ya all
Be praying that something like that won't happen again. And I also have to work with Jordan today in Character First. So be praying for me there.
Luv ya all
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Life (uhhhh)

GeGe- BlueTeam
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Funny picture
Oh my word!!!!!!!!! I'm so totally excited. Gege told me to check out the camp website and I did and I found the dates for this years camp. July 18-24. And the apps and everything. I really hope Lyd and I can go this year. There's just one problem. I'm gonna be fifteen, and you have to be 12-14. But last year there were some fifteen year olds there so mabey I can get away with it. But anyway I asked mom if we can apply and she said yes. So we'll have Beth (teen librarian) recomend us. She did that last year. All the sudden I have a bunch of exciting prospects popping up everywhere. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell.
Can you tell.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Life's looking up-it's about time too.
Well like the title said life's looking up-finally. The exciting news. I might get to go spend a few days with my friend from Holdenville-possible. And this summer i'm probally going to Missouri. I'm gonna fly myself up there with my money from christmas from 2 years ago. Of course I have to save my money for it. And my Birthday is coming up too. I'm gonna be 15---yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway so. I can't decide if i'm gonna like this Monday or not. It all depends. Cause with Jordan now on our team Character First is not my time with Katie anymore. It's My time with Katie with Jordan. Oh well. I have to do a bunch of online research tomorrow while i'm here. Mom's working and i'm coming for computer time. So I have a million reports to do on Oklahoma and i'm not looking foward to it. Anyway just looking up plane tickets and their about 184$ Right now I only have 100$ from my grandparents from x-mas in 2007. So if I save about 15 a month i'll have enough for it by about June. So that's whats up in my world. I'll probally blog on Sunday. Oh another thing on Sunday the family that I stay with is having another family over for lunch. And i'm friends with a girl in that family. So thats exciting. For me anyway.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

sorry i haven't been on for a while i have been cramming tons of homework and studying for tests lately. my history teacher is giving us a bunch of notes to copy .he has given out 16 assignments since January the 4Th and each assignment is about 1page front and back.my reading and English teachers are getting us ready for the 8Th grade reading tests.at my house it has been so hectic that i can barely sit down. when i get out of school i go to the library and help out there and when i am picked up i go home help fix dinner then eat then i do my homework and studying.after i am finished with that i shower and clean up my room then finally i get to bed at about 10:30 to 11:30and get up to get ready for school at 5:00 a.m. and leave at 6:00 a.m. and school starts and the pattern just repeats its self.In science class we are doing a lab and i got stuck with the new girl and she just wants to sit back and watch so i end up doing most of the work and her taking the credit. Tomorrow i have a huge history test that i need to study for. what do you think of these pictures at the top of the page. i will try to blog again soon.
orange team
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Life's worth living..even with all the bad things---part 2
Well our MD training yesterday went pretty good overall. In YOUGROW we have a new girl. Her name is Hope and since we have 2 Hope's in our small group we nick named her Hip-Hop-pretty cool! 2 really lovely thinks happened yesterday-or not. The first thing was a girl who does MD in now doing C1st and Bible Club. She used to just do Bible Club. And she got added onto our team. I can not stand her. It really bugs me the way she conducts herself. She is a major flirt-like major major flirt. And so on. I could live with her in my YOUGROW group and for Bible Club. But now she's in my C1st team. The second thing was they pulled a suprise monalauge evulation on me yesterday. Tara (NOVO team member came and got me) we were walking somewhere and she said "Ok were going to do a monaluge evulation" She handed me the bible and I sat down. I was staring at the bible and I randomly said "is it your custom to just randomly pull people and tell them their doing an evulation? She was like "did you not know about this" Well no of course not. It was like I was soposto know and I didn't. So she let me sit out and practice while she did another girl. After I was done freaking out I went over to Taylor and Na who were sitting at a table and told them what was up. So Taylor helped me go through it. And then Na did. That took about 30 minuets. So I go in there and did the evulation. And guess what? I failed miserably. It was awful. Tara and I didn't even know why my name was on the list. Cause I took both evulations and passed both of them. But I told her by the sound of the last one I just did it looks like i'll have to take it again.
So those 2 things really bugged me. I'll have to be working on my evulations probally and not punching some stupid girls brains out. So pray for me. I'm praying for a good attitude about the whole thing.
So those 2 things really bugged me. I'll have to be working on my evulations probally and not punching some stupid girls brains out. So pray for me. I'm praying for a good attitude about the whole thing.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Life's worth living...even with all the bad stuff...
Well my life may be all fun and happy-or seem that way, but it's really not. At least sometimes. I found out Sunday that one of Helen's friends dad died from a heart attack that morning. He was only 41. It is really sad cause her friend was the only one there when he died. He tried to do CPR but it didn't work. He didn't have a very good relationship with his dad either. The funeral was on Wendenday. His stepmom refused to do anything for his dad so he and his Uncle's had to do it all. He sang a song at the end of it. Before he got up to sing it he was crying. He made it through his song and picked up his guitar and walked off the stage. He was about 2 steps from his chair when he dropped his guitar, fell into his chair and started sobbing. I have never seen anybody cry so hard. It was really sad. Aunt Robin went home from the hospital and is doing better. And my other friend that had her appendix burst is doing a little better. She got to go home from the hopsital on Thursday. I need to call and check up on her. Well tomorrow is our MD training again. Then next week we get to go back into the schools. I get to see MLG-I am so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!. I miss her a bunch. Well I have to go. Glad you blogged C! You haven't in a while I was getting worried about you.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
back in school
i have so much home work and so little time to do it. i have to study for tests and my history teacher is dead set on making us make up for the time we had on break.sounds like yall have had a good new year.gtg
orange team
orange team
Friday, January 8, 2010
Hey people...
Hey FYI Gege i'm not a kiddie, i'm almost 15, finally. I've been so busy lately. MD had a two week break (all us MD ppl are complaining that were bored and have nothing to do) And finally this Monday were going back for 2 weeks of training. I'm excited. I miss all my kids like so much. I think I am going to die when school get's out this summer-I don't know what i'll do. Well HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you'll accept it even if it's late. We started our year off kinda interesting like. First the day after Christmas my friend called me and told me she was in the hospital. Her apendix had burst and she had surgery that day. She got out a few days ago. Yesterday I called and checked up on her and she had to go back to the hospital. She got a stomach infection and is not doing very well. They over the new year we had a friend from Missouri down and on New Year's day she had a stroke. She's been in the hospital ever since. Mom has been camping at the hospital with her but she's comming home today. Aunt Robin was doing a little better but now the're thinking she's getting pneumonia. Thats not good. So I know it sounds stuperstitious ( I don't even know if I spelled that right) but i'm wondering if that's how our year's gonna be-just a thought. Dad is having surgery on his left shoulder on Tuesday. I think that'll be his fourth surgery. We rearanged our rooms, that was fun. And now Helen and I share a room upstairs. And Naomi, Lydia, and Emily share the downstairs room. I love my room. Since Helen has a job i'll like have my own room half the time. Well I better go. I'll try to blog Sunday.
LaRie Ann
LaRie Ann
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hi Hi
Hey kidos! wow that sounded weird. I had a good new year. not much time Ill blog l8tr!
:) GeGe :)
:) GeGe :)
finally a new year
happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tomarrow is my 14th birthday yah. how was your guys's holiday break. mine was long i babysat every day except the 25 from the crack of dawn to dinner time .i got to go i will try to post something later
orange team
orange team
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