Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hey ppl

Hey Celoshia ( hope I spelled your name right) what's up. I am so SUPER EXCITED cause last Monday we started Bible Club in the Santa Fe South Elementry school, and next week were starting Character First in Santa Fe South. Na, (sis) and I think it's funny cause we go to public elementary school once a week and were the teachers, and the rest of the week were homeschooled in high school, funny and confusing, but fun. Anyway, I have to call my Character First partner Katie, and figure out what were doing on Monday. I'm kinda nervous cause i've never done this before but this is Katie's like 2nd or 3rd year so she knows what she's doing. And in Bible Club were were at our school for one and a half hours and it felt like thirty minuets, to short. So were doing to be at the schools all day from about 10:00am to 5:00 pm. Were doing Character First in the morning, and playing with the kids at recess. In the afternoon were tutoring, grading or doing just whatever the teachers need us to do, till three, then we do bible club. We get back to church about 5:00 and clean up. At 6:00 is YOUGROW till 8:30, last Monday we didn't get home till 10:00. So anyway get up at 6:00am go to bed at 10:00pm or later. Thank goodness it's only once a week. Well that's about all. I'll blog later.


1 comment:

  1. LaRie it sounds like you are busy but you spelled my name wrong it is Celosia.
    orange team
